Andrew is a serving Head with ten experience in post in two schools. He has been an education professional for 25 years and has extensive first-hand knowledge of all matters relating to co-educational, non-selective education in Key Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4.
An English graduate, Andrew also has a teaching qualification in Music Education, a Masters Degree in Leadership and Management in Education and the National Professional Qualification for Headship.
For the past three years Andrew has worked closely with the National College for Teaching and Leadership, providing materials on Governance and Schools as Businesses and facilitating an online course for new and aspirant Heads in the Independent Sector. On this course, participants learn about the ethical and professional values needed to build their core vision for education, working with Governors and Bursars, and understanding the rigours of inspection. The focus of the training offered is reflective learning through online blogging and peer collaboration. Participants fill gaps in baseline knowledge and have the opportunity to test out the validity and viability of their educational vision in a walled environment. Outside the non-selective fee-paying independent sector, Andrew also offers leadership development of EBD schools.
As a coach, mentor and consultant, Andrew’s focus is on change management, refining leadership vision and closing the gap between rhetoric and reality. Emphasis is given to facilitating a deep understanding of a holistic approach to schools management, both from the personal perspective in creating a sustainable work-life balance, and exploring the integrity of core values and vision from the perspective jointly of teachers and learners.
In change management, Andrew is experienced in the concept-testing and implementation of ICT to support learning, from the management issues that accompany the comprehensive use of a VLE to the development of MIS and online data-trackers to collate and organise ‘under-the-hood’ information on pupil attainment and ability. The focus of Andrew’s support in this area is on the management and whole school impact of the effective use of emerging technology.
As a Keynote speaker, Andrew’s specialisms revolve around all of the above, but also pastoral care schemes that are focused on the experiential issues of learners and their social interactions. Andrew can also give talks and support to new Headteachers about working with or without a Bursar and the issues facing the Head who needs to build skills and confidence in the area of school finance.