News from Nick Rees
July 3, 2014 11:03 amNick was recently approached by The Constable Trust to work with the Head of a school in London. Initially this was to be for one day a month but they have been so impressed with his input that the contract was extended to 12 months.
In a mentoring capacity Nick was required to provide advice and support for the newly appointed head and her team. Whilst there Nick also observed and provided feedback to all teaching staff including the SMT. Part of Nick’s focus was on suggesting to staff ways of further enhancing their teaching, thereby impacting on pupils learning.
The school also asked Nick to Evaluate the school development plan and other policies and documentation e.g. appraisal.
After his initial input Nick also provided guidance on ways to market the school, as well as developing ideas for further discussion regarding future strategic developments.
As a result of Nick’s input the school now possesses streamlined and consistent documentation. Nick has left Staff feeling supported with positive suggestions as to how to enhance their teaching strategies and ways to improve their working environment.
“I have had the pleasure of working with Nick Rees over the last year when he undertook a mentoring role. As a new Head, his experience and advice has proved invaluable, particularly knowing that in addition to our more formal contact time, he was just a phone call or email away should I need to sound him out. One of the projects Nick undertook was to run a mini inspection. Since he is not only an experienced ISI inspector but also a CReSTeD inspector, this couldn’t have been more useful. He gave individual feedback to my staff as well as a more comprehensive ‘big picture’ overview to my Leadership Team. He then turned to my paperwork with a focus on areas of development. In addition, Nick supported my through a difficult admissions issue, counselling me at various stages of the process. If you are seeking a consultant, I would recommend Nick without reservation”.
Categorised in: News
This post was written by Deborah Leek-Bailey