
News from Nick Rees

July 3, 2014 11:03 am Posted by

Nick was recently approached by The Constable Trust to work with the Head of a school in London. Initially this was to be for one day a month but they have been so impressed with his input that the contract...

The Impact of Alcohol and Drug Misuse in the Workplace

July 3, 2014 11:02 am Posted by

New research on the Impact of Alcohol and Drug Misuse on Productivity in the Workplace Reveals Inconsistencies in Knowledge and Approach Iloumanate and Bowden2 HR recently joined forces with the aim of providing help and support to businesses in relation...

Graham Gorton becomes a lead school inspector!

July 3, 2014 10:43 am Posted by

Following on from his successful Headship of Howe Green School and after many years as Chairman of Inspections committee for ISA Graham has successfully carried out training as a reporting school inspector. This will mean that Graham will lead a...