Absolute clarity about the roles and responsibilities of both the Head and the Governors underpins the most effective governance. Protocols, specific duties and terms of reference should be made explicit in written documents, as well as the way in which employees behave. The vision and expectations of the board should be transparent and easily identified by staff and pupils.

At DLB Leadership Associates we assist you in ensuring that your entire board is driven by a core of key governors, such as chairs of committees, who see themselves as part of the wider school leadership team and comprehend their accountability. We are able to help you identify the key characteristics of effective governing bodies and help foster positive relationships between governors and school leaders, based on trust, openness and transparency.

DLB Associates are also able to monitor your progress towards meeting agreed development targets, as well as ensuring that Governors are well informed and knowledgeable and possess high quality information, in a range of formats. We carry out headteacher appraisals; review the effectiveness of board meetings; assist Governors with interviews and the setting of headteacher expectations.

Working alongside senior leadership teams and Governors we ensure that all are aware of lines of accountability and are able to take and support hard decisions in the interests of pupils.

DLB can also support honest, insightful self-evaluation and work with Governors to highlight the necessity to behave with integrity and be mutually supportive. We ask them to reflect on whether they challenge assumptions and support effective decision-making. Together we assist them in delivering their vision and maximising their skills.

DLB Experience

Early Childhood Education – Pat Preedy

As GEMS Education Chief Academic Officer for Early Childhood Education, I have developed a new international model for Early Childhood...

Bredon School

Recently Deborah was requested by David Ward, Headmaster of Bredon School, to carry out an audit of the schools regulatory...